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šŸ§  Gaming šŸ¤ AI: A $100M AI Gaming Tool 

Gaming šŸ¤ AI: A $100M AI Gaming Tool 

7 yearsā€¦ thatā€™s how long Iā€™ve been playing League of Legends (LoL). Tirelessly climbing my way out of ā€˜Elo-Hellā€™ (itā€™s a LoL thing)... all while battling the most toxic community known to man.

But hereā€™s the thing, I keep coming back. 

I hate to admit it, but LoL has me in a chokehold. Me and over 150M other masochists worldwide. 

So when a random X (Twitter) clip caught my attention, my mind started racing with the possibilities. 

This week, Iā€™m going to share an idea that could turn my misery into a $100M+ juggernaut.

Letā€™s dive inā€¦

Take a look at the Twitter clip if you havenā€™t yet. If you reuse click out of this email because Iā€™ve captivated you with my writingā€¦ thanks. But seriously, go watch the clip.

Someone built an AI tool that does a full play-by-play commentary on LoL games. And itā€™s good. Like, Morgan Freeman narrating your gameplay good.

It doesnā€™t just tell you the score, kill count, and other basic information. Oh no, it dives into the nitty-gritty of positioning tactics, team strategies, itā€™s throwing around LoL jargon like a seasoned proā€¦

And, itā€™s dishing out real-time advice on how each team can win. A lightbulb went off.

The big idea here isnā€™t building out an AI commentator, itā€™s turning this tech into an AI video game coach.

Believe it or not, LoL coaching (and video games in general) is a MASSIVE industry with several VC-backed companies such as: 

But, traditional coaching comes with some challenges, namely: 

  1. Pricey AF - Youā€™ll need to start a GoFundMe campaign for one session.

  2. Questionable Quality - Could be great advice, could be your little cousin spewing nonsense.

Problems = opportunities. Opportunities that a simple AI tool can solve. Boy, do I love the future!

Letā€™s look at the numbers:

Hereā€™s some gaming economics thatā€™ll make your eyes twitch:

  1. Most players spend over $100 per coaching session.

  2. Famously (infamously?), this league coach is charging players $300 per session.

My point? Gamers are willing to spend money on improving their skills.

Assuming you charge $50/month for unlimited access to your AI coaching bot, youā€™d need roughly 200 customers to be at $10K/month.

Given the player base of LoL alone is 150M, capturing 200 players seems doable.

But, I didnā€™t promise you a little side hustle that makes $10K/monthā€¦ I promised you a $100M behemoth, and Iā€™m not one to break a promise

There are well over 500M active players across top competitive games.

Youā€™d only need about 100K - 200K paying customers, to be within striking distance of a $100M valuation. Thatā€™s 0.02% of 500Mā€¦ or 1/50 of 1% for those of you who are math-challenged like me. 

How to Execute:

Unlike some of my other ideas, youā€™re going to need some technical chops to pull this off. Luckily, youā€™re not starting from scratch. Using OpenAIā€™s vision API and its text-to-speech capabilities, youā€™ve got the bones. 

But before you build the version with all the bells and whistles, Iā€™d recommend seeing if youā€™ve got the marketing skills to get your first 100 customers. 

Hereā€™s what Iā€™d do: 

  1. This product has viral potential. To capitalize on that, create a demo of the product, even if itā€™s all smoke and mirrors. 

  2. Film a simple video of how it could work. Donā€™t be flashy. People love UGC-style posts - just show how the product works.

  3. Post the video in Reddit + Facebook communities where gamers talk about improving their gameplay and seeking advice from the community.  This is where your early adopters will be. Some examples would be:

    1. r/LeagueOfLegends

    2. r/SummonerSchool

    3. r/Proguides

    4. Canada League

    5. LoL North America

  4. Create a waitlist signup where you collect information from potential customers. This will get you a waitlist of 1000+ customers. 

  5. From there, co-create the product with a specific segment of your waitlist.

Easy? No. Simple? Yes.

In summary, hereā€™s why you should pursue this: 

  1. Monumental Market Opportunity: With a player base of over 150 million in LoL alone, and a willingness to spend big bucks on coaching (some up to $300 a session), this AI coaching tool taps into an enormous, ready-to-spend market.

  2. Technology Unlock: Utilizing OpenAIā€™s vision API and text-to-speech technology, you can build a product in weeks that would have taken you years not long ago.

  3. Low Entry Barrier, High Reward: Unlike other ventures that require a heavy upfront investment, this idea rides on the back of existing, accessible technology. This means lower costs to start and a sky-high ceiling for potential growth.

Thatā€™s all for this week - get out there and build it!

ā€” Keevin āœŒļø